Kung Fu Panda image of po and master shifu

Kung Fu Panda movie – Key Life Lessons

Here is a list of some key learning I’ve picked up from the Kung Fu Panda movie series. skip to main content

A brief about the media franchise – Kung Fu Panda is a media franchise by DreamWorks Animation, consisting of three films: Kung Fu Panda (2008), Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) and Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016). The franchise, set in a fantasy martial-arts genre version of ancient China populated by humanoid animals, features the adventures of Po (a Panda), who was improbably chosen as the prophesied Dragon Warrior. Although his status is initially doubted, Po proves himself worthy as he strives to fulfil his destiny and learn about his past with his new friends. Explore More at Wikipedia

Every time I rewatch these movies, I get new life lessons from them. It’s a beautiful series of funny animated stories filled with awesome pearls of wisdom from Master Oogway, Master Shifu and others. It’s filled with comedy for most of the screen time, but then there are some scenes where the characters get sincere and serve us some really motivating stuff. I’ve collected my favourite quotes from these movies after numerous hours of watching them again and again. I hope you enjoy reading the post, and do let me know in the comments if this post was of some help to you?

Life Lessons from the Kung Fu Panda Movies

Nothing is impossible

If we decide and have the will to achieve something , there is nothing in the world that can stop us from completing that task. There is nothing that we can’t achieve with our hard work and dedication. Channel all your energies into your efforts to complete the task and you will do it. Nothing is impossible!

One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.

Often in life this can be seen that everytime when we try to avoid some path, the destiny has a different plan for us. Often we choose the easy path, remaining inside our comfort zone, but at the end destiny brings us to the path not taken, which is outside the comfort of our laziness and it’s then, when we achieve the most important goals of our lives.

Mind is like this water. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle… The answer become clear.

Consider our mind as a computer machine. Now tell me, if you run all different software programs at once, what do you think will happen to our poor computer? It will hang right! Similarly, remember the decisions you’ve taken when you were angry or stressed over something, we’re they fruitful? No, because you were not able to think rationally, and the mind was not in a state to decide what’s right and what’s wrong. When this type of situation arises, give yourself some time to settle, calm down, then think rationally and decide.
Also, make sure you take important decisions of life in the mornings, as our mind can take a limited number of proper rational decisions in a day. If you take decisions in the night, your mind might had already made hundreds of decisions for that day and will be a bit tired to help you. Give it a break, and take the important decisions the next morning, it will be very fruitful.

There are no accidents.

We are not talking about road accidents here. This phrase means, nothing in this life happens without any reason. There is a reason for everything, every moment in your life has a purpose. You have a purpose. You might not realise this early, but with time you’ll see. Some early hardships, some wrong decisions in life, some mistakes, some failures are not your bad luck, but it is the foundation of your experience that will help you take the right decisions at the right time. Always remember, whatever happens, happens for good.

There is no such thing as level Zero.

Yes, your are never at level 0. Especially, if you’re able to read my post today then you’re definitely not at level 0. At least you can read, right? So be grateful, be happy with what you’ve achieved in life so far. Be grateful for everything you have, your family, your friends, your colleagues, your materialistic things that you own. Be grateful and always look ahead to work towards your next goal. I wish you Good Luck.

Looking out for big things tomorrow.

I won’t write much on this, it’s easy to comprehend. Always say this to yourself every morning- “Today Is The Best Day Of The Rest Of Your Life” and see the change yourself.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why it is called a ‘present’.

Try to live in the present. It’s good to be grateful for what you’ve done in the past, It’s good that you’ve planned about your future. But don’t miss the most important piece of the cake- Today. Live in the present – enjoy the rain, smell the fresh flowers, sing your favourite song for your loved one, spend time with your family, spend time for self evaluation, give feedback to yourself, think about how you can be better, and yeah, don’t forget to put that smile on your beautiful face. I’m not kidding, if you’re reading this post, believe me, you’re beautiful. And I have a gift for you at the end of this post.

There is just news, there is no good or bad!

News is just news, good or bad depends on the perception of the person accepting the news. And as a fact, we are not gonna be worried about the thing we’re stressed about today, three years after now. Then why worry at the first palace? As we learned from the legendary movie – The Lion King, ‘Hakuna Matata’, meaning that you don’t have control over your past, and you don’t know the future, so why worry in the present.

You just need to believe. To make something special, you have to believe that it’s special. There is no secret ingredient!

There is an awesome book to explain this line to you written by Dr. Joseph Murphy, titled- The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. Do give it read if you love reading, anyway I’m gonna give you a brief. So, this basically explains you the power of belief, hope and prayer. This is how it works- First you believe you can achieve something, then you iterate this belief to yourself, so much that it gets embedded into your subconscious mind, then all your actions and decisions help you towards that something. And finally, you achieve that something. Believe me, It works. This is how powerful your belief is. Another example could be taken from the Bollywood movie- Karan Arjun, you’ll have to watch it to get the example😁.

Inner peace.

The most important thing, and the most difficult to achieve is Inner Peace. I’m soon going to write a post on it(work in progress). To understand this concept for now, let’s imagine yourself in a state where you’re free from all the affection, hatred, jealousy, greed, anger, anxiety, pride, feeling of loss and gain, and love for material things. The I’d say you’re on your next step to find inner peace. After this, the next state comes where you’ve to explore yourself spiritually. For now I think this helps, but let’s come back to this in detail in my post on inner peace.

The more you take, the less you have.

This explains the importance of giving, helping our fellow mates grow and serving those who need our help. What can you achieve if you accumulate all the wealth in the world, one day that will be someone else’s right? We’re not immortal. We all are going to be transformed into nature one day, so why waste time accumulating things when we can make a difference by sharing, caring and helping everyone near us.
The same applies to knowledge, it grows when you share. Share ideas and you get to learn more, teach someone and you get to explore more.
Think about it and act. And then you’ll receive the gift I was referring to in the above paragraphs. It’s the smile you’ll see on someone’s face when you help them, when you share something you own with them. And then that smile will replicate itself on your face too. Cherish that present. 🙂

We must constantly work towards shaping the best version of ourselves. Animated movies like the KFP series make this process more fun to learn and interact with our dear ones on these pearls of wisdom.

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