don'ts for 20's to be successful

List of Don’ts In Your 20’s | You won’t get this time back!

Here is a list of Don’ts you need to take care of in your 20’s. These don’ts will guide you to be on the right path. Do give it a read. I have kept this post quite short and crisp. To grasp the ideas effectively, I’ll recommend giving some time to think about each point. Let me know your views on this through the comments below.

  1. Don’t care about impressing your peers. Be honest to yourself. Stop caring about what others think of you. I can relate a quote from Game of Thrones here, ‘a lion doesn’t concern himself with the opinion of a sheep’. This says it all.
  2. Don’t get stuck to one place. World is your home, pack and move as per the need of the opportunities. Get out of your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to travel to new places, meet new people and explore the unexplored opportunities. You‘ll never know if life is interesting for you on that side of the world until you’ve explored it for yourself.
  3. Don’t let others choose your future for you. Don’t ignore your gut. We often fail to take our decisions by ourselves and end up letting others choose for us and this results in we criticising others for our own’s failure. Take your decisions by yourself and you’ll have less regrets in life.
  4. Never settle for less. Basic Education is not enough for a successful life. Keep learning, keep gaining. Read a lot. Knowledge makes you stronger. It makes you beautiful. Trust me.
  5. Don’t let emotions dictate your actions. Stay away from pride, fear and anger. Be at peace. Master your mind.
  6. Don’t spend all your income. Save! Save! Save! Save a lot! Remember ‘Rich people stay rich by acting like poor’.
  7. Don’t be impatient. Wait for the right moment. Your efforts will be rewarded. Good things in life takes time. Be faithful.
  8. Don’t hang out with losers. Be a lone wolf for your growth. Growth is your best friend. Hanging out with people with a negative or passion mindset will never help you build a growth mindset. I can recall this famous quote ‘If you’re the smartest person in the room, then you’re in the wrong room’, unless of course if you’re a kindergarten teacher, then it’s an exception.
  9. Don’t hope for miracles to happen. They might happen or might not, but don’t waste time in waiting for them to happen. That’s stupid.
  10. Don’t underestimate the importance of planning and setting goals. Setting goals keeps you moving, and planning makes sure you’re moving on the right path. Practice this and you’ll see Long lasting results.
  11. Don’t obsess about finding your soul-mate. ‘You must find your one in a million soul mate’ this concept is from the movies. In reality, solid relations are build over time with care, respect and understanding. Relationships need time to mature physically and emotionally.
  12. Never waste time. Never procrastinate. Not at least in your 20’s. This is the time you’re most energetic and you’ve the time to fail, recover and try again. So why waste time on luxuries?
  13. Don’t be arrogant. Kind words by Kendrick Lamar could help you here – ‘Be humble sit down’. Focus on getting things done. Also, being humble attracts respect.
  14. Don’t think that the world revolves around you. You must realize this. You are not special. Unless if you know how to cook super delicious cakes and pastries, then you’re special 😁.
  15. Don’t give up when things get hard. Push yourself. Life will be tough in your 20’s. You’ll often see that life is not difficult for some, but that’s just not true. Everyone here is in a different race. Don’t try to compare a rat with an elephant. Everyone has their part of tough times.
  16. Don’t be envious, be inspired. If they can do it, you can do it too. You can do it better. Success is a measurement of how much of your potential you’ve achieved.

That’s all, folks! If you liked it, share this with your friends. Comment what part was more relatable to you or something you’d like to add to this list. Have a nice day.

Check out my Post on “Kung Fu Panda movie – Key Life Lessons.”


